Targeted Content

The key to attracting and retaining customers.

Customer Experience

Plan the right content for
the right person at the right time

Define your “objective”

The first stage in content marketing targeting is selecting who you’ll target. You can target one or more audiences, or personalize content for specific individuals. Creating buyer personas for each audience can help you understand who they are, what they need and desire, what they like, and where they hang out.

In-Depth Profiling

You may easily emphasize those aspects in your targeted content by determining what drives your consumer persona. Update the profile by including

  • Marital status
  • Job
  • Interests
  • Holiday preferences
  • Lifestyle characteristics

Mapping Your Targeted Content to Buyer Journey Stages

Your customer persona goes through a journey before deciding which purchase to make.

Push your targeted content strategy one step further. Get more than a client – turn your customer into a loyal brand ambassador.

Grow your revenue 5X with Kreesalis