Safeguard your users Shield your data
by stopping fraud before it starts.
A Customised Solution To Recognize And Halt Fraud More Quickly

Reframe your perception of authenticity, trust, and risk
Risk Identification
Reduce risk, fraud, and friction to incentivise paying customers.

Utilizing behavioral biometrics
Users can be verified by tracking how they log in and use the website.
Suspicious session detection:
Captures 5,000+ attributes and generates 50 distinct traces for each user to be used as a component of SCA later.

Discover how our intelligence can help your business

Lessen Fraud
threats and gain real-time visibility to take appropriate action before fraud costs you money.

Create a Reliable Customer Experience

Boost Profitability
Establish a Safe & Effortless Digital Expertise
From account creation to online session tracking and beyond, K-Protect offers actionable behavioral insights to create an atmosphere of trust and ease.
01. Account Opening Fraud
K-Protect emits advanced behavioral insights to offer you the real-time accessibility you need to discover more fraud, reduce friction, and gain more customers.
Outcomes of Synthetic Identity Fraud
- Fastest growing fraud in the US
- 20% of all account frauds
- Costs $8 Billion annually.

02. Mule Account Identification
Mule Account Sensors by K-Protect detect mule activity during account opening and also within existing accounts to assist you in mitigating financial, reputational, and regulatory risk.
Mule Account Scam In Figures.
- 90%+ of money mule transactions are directly related to cybercrime.
- 78% Increase in money mule activity among all of the individuals under 21.
- 33% of financial institutions cite a shortage of resources to control mule activity.

03. Account Takeover Protection
K-Protect’s Account Takeover Protection emits advanced behavioral insights to give you the regular checks you need to diagnose more scams, upsurge trust, and lessen false positives.
ATO attempts that were successful
- 1.5 BILLION number of records subjected due to
data intrusions in the U.S. in 2019. - 2.9 BILLION increase in ATO fraud in 2018-19.
- 72% ATO rate rose in 2019, with criminals gaining complete control of the account.

04. Tracking Of Social Engineering Frauds
K-Protect analyses user behavior in real-time to sense when a person is undergoing a transaction underneath the sway of a hacker group, assisting banks in protecting customers from social engineering scams and authorized push payment fraud.
The Cost of Social Engineering Fraud
- $1,000 or More, One in every four social engineering
swindles encompasses a payment of more than $1,000. - 57% Percent growth in social engineering scams in 2021.
- 75% of social engineering scams originate through the mobile channel.

We’ve Got You Covered.
Dynamic Strategies For Risk Management And Conversion Optimization.

Accelerated outcomes


Genuine Transparency

Flexible and scalable
Combat fraud right away.
Prepared to watch your fraud rates decrease moment by moment?